category: Academics

From Mossy Creek to Carnegie Hall: C-N’s Fogg embarks on multi-state concert tour

This spring Carson-Newman University’s Dr. 瑞安·福格踏上了一段跨越16个州和哥伦比亚特区的25站旅程. Such an endeavor would be ambitious enough, but the scheduled itinerary will conclude in less than three months.

The C-N professor of Music and director of Keyboard Studies doesn’t mind. 这一切都是一个精心策划的计划的一部分,让钢琴家在休假期间在全国各地举行音乐会. The tour begins with a home recital in Carson-Newman’s Thomas Recital Hall on Jan. 16 and culminates with a performance at New York’s Carnegie Hall on April 2.

“Even when I’m not on a sabbatical, I generally perform three to four times off campus per year,” said Fogg. “所以当我决定申请休假时,我知道我想把休假提升到一个不同的水平. My initial goal was around 10 performances, but it expanded rather quickly to 25.”  

When the tour’s curtain rises, audiences will be treated to the works of Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel.

“选择这个项目的部分原因是,在过去的20年里,我几乎没有演奏过德彪西或拉威尔的作品,” he said. “所以在这个项目中,我真的想把自己沉浸在他们的风格中,用放大镜来观察他们的异同.”  

预定的日期包括阿巴拉契亚州立大学、西弗吉尼亚大学、密西西比大学和俄克拉荷马浸会大学, Fogg says he’s eager for the tour’s launch.

“At this point, I am excited, and I feel confident in my preparation,” said Fogg. “计划这么多,总会有意想不到的事情发生. I’ve already had multiple flights change their departure/arrival times. But that’s out of my control, so I can’t worry about it.”

Fogg’s no stranger to the stage lights and audiences, having performed in a variety of locations and venues over the years, 但有机会在纽约著名的卡内基音乐厅举行独奏会,即使是这位经验丰富的钢琴家也热切期待.

他说:“这将是我在卡内基音乐厅威尔独奏厅的首次演出. “It really is the opportunity of a lifetime. 能站在这么多受人尊敬的音乐家曾经表演过的舞台上,我感到非常惭愧. I plan to enjoy every second.”  

Fogg’s Jan. 16 tour opening performance at Carson-Newman is free and open to the public. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. with a pre-concert talk at 7 p.m.

FOGG Concert Tour 2024

外胎,1/16/24               Carson-Newman大学                               杰佛逊市,TN

Mon, 1/22/24               Georgia College & State University                  Milledgeville, GA

Tues, 1/23/24               大学交流                                           斯帕坦堡, SC

结婚,1/24/24               阿巴拉契亚州立大学                           布恩,数控

星期五,1/26/24                   惠顿惠顿大学音乐学院

外胎,1/30/24               田纳西大学的马丁                    马丁,TN

所以,2/1/24                沃希托河浸会大学                             Arkadelphia,基于“增大化现实”技术

外胎,2/6/24                 教堂街联合卫理公会教堂诺克斯维尔,TN

所以,2/8/24                东南密苏里州立大学                开普吉拉多市,密苏里州

Fri, 2/9/24                    埃文斯维尔大学                                     埃文斯维尔, IN

外胎,2/13/24               教堂的顿悟                                     华盛顿特区.C.

Thurs, 2/15/24              弥赛亚大学                                            Mechanicsburg, PA

Tues, 2/20/24               西弗吉尼亚大学                                    来自, WV

Wed, 2/21/24               丹尼森大学                                            格兰维尔, OH

Thurs, 2/22/24              玛丽埃塔大学                                                玛丽埃塔, OH

Tues, 2/27/24               University of St. Thomas                                   Houston, TX

结婚,2/28/24               休斯顿大学                                         休斯顿,德克萨斯州

所以,2/29/24               纪念驱动长老会                 休斯顿,德克萨斯州

外胎,3/5/24                 默里州立大学                                     穆雷,肯塔基州

结婚,3/6/24                 密西西比大学                                    牛津,女士

妈,3/11/24               博林格林州立大学                          博林格林,哦

Fri, 3/15/24                  美世大学                                              梅肯, GA

外胎,3/26/24               中央俄克拉荷马大学                          爱德蒙,好

所以,3/28/24              俄克拉何马州浸会大学                             肖尼,好

外胎,4/2/24                 在卡内基音乐厅威尔演奏厅举行                      纽约,纽约

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